7 8 As Decimal Math
For percentage conversion.
7 8 as decimal math. To convert 7 8 so you can write it as a decimal simply divide the numerator by the denominator like this. The 7 above the bar is called the numerator and the 8 below the bar is called the denominator. These are all different ways of writing the same thing. 0 875 x 100 1 x 100 87 5 100.
As a decimal you have to divide numerator by the denominator of the fraction. As a decimal equals 0 875. 7 8 as a decimal equals 0 875. And so the main realization here is that 7 8 is the same thing as 7 divided by 8 which is the same thing as 7 divided by 8.
Step 1 to represent 0 875 in percentage write 0 875 as a fraction. Here are the detailed math steps we use to convert 2 7 8 mixed number to decimal form. 87 5 is the percentage representation for 7 8. 7 numerator 8 denominator to get 2 7 8 in decimal form we basically convert the mixed number to a fraction and then we divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator of the fraction.
Since 2 is a factor of 10 we have 8 2 xx 2 xx 2 is a factor of 1000 and 1000 8 5 xx 5 xx 5 125 then. And finally we have. Therefore the solution to 7 8 as a decimal is as follows. And we get 0 875 and finally we have.
What we write down as 7 8. 7 8. You don t need to get the calculator out because we did this for you. To get 7 8 converted to decimal you simply divide 7 by 8.
7 8 as a decimal is. 7 8 0 875 well 1 8 0 125 so 7 8 7 xx0 125 0 875 and i did all that without a calculator. 7 8 7 125 8 125 875 1000 0 875. 0 875 is the decimal representation for 7 8.
7 8 0 875 you could long divide but let s try a different approach. To write 7 8 as a decimal you have to divide numerator by the denominator of the fraction. So let s actually divide 8 into 7. We divide now 7 by 8.
Step 2 multiply 100 to both numerator denominator.